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Effective use of data can turn ESG pledges into innovative action

With ESG spanning anything from energy consumption, to employee volunteering hours, to diversity statistics, it can be tricky and time-consuming for leaders to effectively manage ESG reporting and goals. Although 96% of business leaders want to make progress on sustainability objectives, 80% of business leaders remain frustrated with the lack of progress in this function. Business leaders want to rise to the occasion and make more progress, but many don’t know where to start.

ESG is more than just setting targets and enhancing brand image – it’s about how business leaders can come together, engage their staff, and effectively use data to create actionable goals and make real change.

Real progress can only be made with effective leader and employee engagement

When teams are busy fighting fires, coping with disruption or strategizing for the year ahead, it can be easy to let ESG initiatives fade into the background. The first step of the journey for business leaders is to make real time for ESG in their schedules. Establishing an ESG working group and dedicating time to meet on a regular basis is the vital first step towards progress.

Read more at the International Accounting Bulletin here


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