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Online event on "Applications of Neuroscience in our lives"

Today on the 30th of November at 6 pm, the 1st online event of Neurogenesis will take place on the subject of "Applications of Neuroscience in our lives". Distinguished Greek scientists of applied neuroscience will share their experiences and how applied neuroscience can improve our daily lives.

Questions like: how our brain and nervous system work, and how can a complexity such as this evolve? How do neuronal processes shape our behaviours, emotions and thoughts? These are some of the questions that form the basis of modern Neuroscience.

The goal of the Neurogenesis Institute is to use basic scientific concepts that arise from answering the above questions and improve people's daily lives both professionally and personally.

You can book your space at the event here

A few words on Neurogenesis:

Neurogenesis is a Non-Profit Organization whose purpose is:

  • The promotion of the widespread use of applied neuroscience in Greece and mainly, but not exclusively, in the fields of Marketing, Human Resource Management and Corporate Professional Education, Political and Social Communication. The goal is to create an open platform to exchange ideas and best practices in various public economic terms for the ethical practice and use of neuroscience and its applied disciplines.

  • The promotion of training and development in the areas of applied neuroscience.

  • The creation of a common ground for the collaboration and development of ideas between the industry, public institutions, universities and the private sector.

  • The implementation of applied neuroscience research and white paper copywriting.


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